Apr 26, 2024

Water Test Results

In the fall of each year, the City tests the source water for chemical makeup - a full spectrum analysis. This test includes parameters such as pH, hardness, iron, manganese, aluminum and uranium. Each of the parameters tested meets acceptable concentrations as outlined in the Canadian Drinking Water Guidelines.

Parksville’s drinking water does change slightly between winter and summer months due to the addition of the Englishman River water which has a slightly different makeup than the groundwater. The main difference is the hardness; the Englishman River water is soft and the groundwater is considered moderately hard.

The City of Parksville is also required by Island Health (VIHA) to take weekly bacteriological sampling. These samples are tested by the Provincial Laboratory for e-Coli and Total Coliforms. There are sixteen dedicated sampling stations throughout the City.

Archived Water Test Results

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